Player Profile: Nate Clow
Photo: Baseball Factory
School: Todd Beamer
Hometown: Federal Way, WA
Personal Relationships: Nate is the youngest of three and being near his family is important. They guided him through his toughest time, as he had to undergo numerous tests after being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and now must continue to deal with the illness to avoid colon cancer. "It's better to just be close to home," said Clow, a current USC commit.
Social Media: Tweets are largely composed of support for USC baseball and other young high school recruits of various sports.
Key Quote: At a young age, Clow already understands that it will take perseverance to get through tough times including his illness, saying “I’m not the kind of guy that says I'm going to let this disease get to me," Clow said. "Yeah, there's sometimes where it's that extreme. But I like to play through it if I can.”
Off-the-Field: Clow suffers from ulcerative colitis, a condition where your immune system attacks the normal bacteria in the large intestine causing inflammation and ulcerations. He’s been on a strict diet since March 2016 where he doesn’t eat meat, dairy, or processed foods and sugars. He uses Texas Rangers’ pitching Jake Diekman as inspiration for being able to overcome the disease. Clow handles his illness with humor and has become an advocate for Americans with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and aspires to be a gastroenterologist when his baseball career is over.
Twitter: @clow_nate
Instagram: @nateclow1